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Finism is a neo-pagan polytheistic religion and quasi-ideology practiced by the Saheer people of the Templar Order of Neuebremen. It forms up one of Neuebremen's two major religions alongside Catholicism, although the Templar Order does not acknowledge Finism as an official religion at all. Its adherents, known as Finists, are believed to make up the majority of the surviving Saheer population within Neuebremen's constituent Braunitz Republic. Finism is a transient religion that is formed on the basic belief that there is a hierarchy of an innumerable amount of Gods that make up the material world, who are managed by an omnipotent and ultimate authority known as the Creator God.

Finism's polytheistic nature, lack of defined scripture and heavy reliance on oral tradition makes it one of the most diverse religions out there - how it is observed and practiced can vary greatly between different communities, depending on what values matter most to a population and what kinds of beliefs they hold on any and all aspects of life. These aspects of how the religion works have led to it evolving into the current form of Finism, which is believed to be influenced by a mix of Catholicism and ancient customs Saheer have observed for thousands of years prior to true organised society in the Neuebremenian region.

Modern Finism is relatively young, with it being first practiced in its current form around the mid-1860s.